Create a class “CString” to represent a string to concatenate and compare two strings also add two matrix(3x3) using Operator Overloading.
Create a class “CString” to represent a string (Hint: Check Book Chapter Examples) a) Overload the + operator to concatenate two strings. b) = = to compare 2 strings. Answer: #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" #include "conio.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" using namespace std; class CString { private : char s[20]; public : void input() { cout << "Enter String......" << endl; cin.getline(s, 20); } void output() { cout << "String is :" <<s << endl; } CString operator +( CString s0 ) { CString temp; strcpy(temp.s,s); strcat(temp.s, s0 .s); return temp; } int operator ==( CString s3 ) { if (strlen( s